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How I manage configuration files on my Linux machine using dotfiles and stow

· 7 min read


I've been trying to maintain a dotfiles repository for a few years now. There, I keep configurations for all kinds of different tools and applications I keep on my development machines. It's great for maintainability and versioning, but maintaining and keeping the dotfiles up to date can be a tedious task. But I've quite accidentally found a good and easy way to do it!

The three major options I've considered are:

  • Setting up a home directory as a --bare git repository.
  • Symlinking every configuration manually
  • Stow

The first option of the runt, is of course - from a storytelling point, the first one to discard.

Setting up your entire home directory as a repository, you have to be careful with exactly what to track, and what not. Basically, you'd need a .gitignore file that you'd have to constantly update with everything but the things you want to keep track of. It's very prone to accidentally adding something you don't want tracked, and forgetting to include it in the .gitignore. Plus, a giant git repo in my home directory isn't really to my taste.

Manual symlinking does solve those problems, but it can be quite complicated to automate and keep track of. Stow is an abstraction on top of symlinks, that allows us to automate symlink management, and turn it into package management. Let's see how to set up your dotfiles repo, in order to make use of stow.


Before using stow, my config files were laid out in a very simple way. Basically, everything that was in the $HOME/.config/ directory, was just copied into $HOME/code/dotfiles/.config/. Other configs that were just files or directories inside the $HOME directory, I just copied into the repo root $HOME/code/dotfiles/ - for example from $HOME/.bashrc to $HOME/code/dotfiles/.bashrc.

|-- .bashrc
|-- .config
| |-- gtk-3.0
| | `-- [... files]
| |-- i3
| | `-- [... files]
| |-- nvim
| | |-- after
| | | |-- ftplugin
| | | | `-- [... files]
| | | `-- plugin
| | | `-- [... files]
| | |-- init.lua
| | |-- lua
| | | `-- kiroki
| | | `-- [... files]
| | `-- plugin
| | `-- [... files]
| `-- terminator
| `-- [... files]
|-- i3blocks
| `-- [... files]
`-- .local
`-- share
`-- fonts
`-- [... files]

How stow likes it

Stow works more like (or exactly like) a package manager. We have to think of each configuration we manage as a package. So, instead of having a bunch of configurations under the .config directory, like $HOME/code/dotfiles/.config/i3 and $HOME/code/dotfiles/.config/nvim, we can split these into separate directories, in this example $HOME/code/dotfiles/i3/.config/i3 and $HOME/code/dotfiles/nvim/.config/nvim.

We can name them however though, so it could be $HOME/code/dotfiles/foo/.config/i3 for our i3 config.

And technically, if we want to be not-so-clever, we can just do something like $HOME/code/dotfiles/my-dot-config-directory/.config/<everything like i3 and nvim>. But the power of stow is that we can stow and unstow each config like a package. This technically means, that we can also version our configs. For example, we could have one version of i3 for Arch under $HOME/code/dotfiles/i3-arch/.config/i3, and one for Ubuntu under $HOME/code/dotfiles/i3-ubuntu/.config/i3. Because of these reasons, I recommend this package structure.

For another example, the .bashrc file is typically right in the $HOME directory, so we can "package" it simply as $HOME/code/dotfiles/bash/.bashrc. I know, I know - who uses bash anymore... well, I do apparently :)


Stow is technically a package manager. To make full use of it, we can turn every configuration we contain in our dotfiles into a package, by placing it in its own directory.

How it is now

After we migrate to using stow, our repo structure now looks like this:

|-- bash
| `-- .bashrc
|-- fonts
| `-- .local
| `-- share
| `-- fonts
| `-- [... files]
|-- gtk-3.0
| `-- .config
| `-- gtk-3.0
| `-- [... files]
|-- i3
| `-- .config
| `-- i3
| `-- [... files]
|-- i3blocks
| `-- i3blocks
| `-- [... files]
|-- nvim
| `-- .config
| `-- nvim
| |-- after
| | |-- ftplugin
| | | `-- [... files]
| | `-- plugin
| | `-- [... files]
| |-- init.lua
| |-- lua
| | `-- kiroki
| | `-- [... files]
| `-- plugin
| `-- [... files]
`-- terminator
`-- .config
`-- terminator
`-- [... files]



Well, great. So far, we've basically just moved some directories around. So, what now?

Well, now we can just run stow for each of these newly created packages. The way that stow works, is that it takes the directory inside of the "package" directory, and creates a symlink to it in the parent of the current working directory.

So, for example, if we now cd into $HOME/code/dotfiles/, we can run stow i3. What this will do is, it will create a symlink to $HOME/code/dotfiles/i3/.config/i3 in $HOME/code/.config/. That will look something like this:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 kblagoev kblagoev   30 Oct  6 23:14 i3 -> ../code/dotfiles/i3/.config/i3/

"But wait!", I hear you say. "Isn't this i3 directory, or symlink, or whatever, supposed to be in our $HOME directory? What is it doing in $HOME/code/?".

You're absolutely right. Let's fix this. Stow has a flag -t, or --target, with which we can specify the root of the package management. This target is by default the parent of the pwd, and that's why by running stow inside of $HOME/code/dotfiles/, the symlinking occurred under $HOME/code/ (and resulted in our symlink being $HOME/code/.config/i3. It can be a bit confusing to keep track of this, but yeah). So, instead, we want to target the $HOME directory. That's why we should run stow -t $HOME i3 instead.


If we don't place our dotfiles repository in the $HOME directory, we have to target it when we use stow by utilising the -t flag, e.g. stow -t $HOME i3.


Removing a config is super simple with stow as well. Following our example with i3, we can simply run stow -D -t $HOME i3. The -D flag deletes the symlink, and our config is gone from the $HOME/.config/ directory. And only that config!

Additional note on Usage

There is a flag --dotfiles, which allows to rename hidden directories, such as .whatever-the-name-is to dot-whatever-the-name-is, and for them to be pre-processed by stow by replacing dot- with .. This is useful, so there aren't hidden files and directories in the repo. Quite useful for easier searching that respects hidden files.

This is great and all, but in the latest version of stow on Ubuntu there's a bug with that. The bug is fixed in the newest release of stow, but I will wait for it to get updated in apt, before migrating to that setting - just for availability reasons.

But if you're going to install the latest version of stow, do keep that option in your mind. It's pretty neat.

And lastly, for my own convenience, I've written a bash script which can stow and unstow all the packages inside my repo with one command. I've opted into having a manually updated list of the packages, just because I keep some other junk in the dotfiles repo, but this can be changed. I will paste the script here, if you'd like to use it yourself (or a modified version of it).

# Define an array of package names

# Check if the first argument is "remove" to use the -D flag
if [ "$1" == "remove" ]; then
stow_flag="-D -t"

# Loop through each package and run stow or unstow with -D
for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
if [ "$1" == "remove" ]; then
echo "Unstowing $package..."
echo "Stowing $package..."

stow $stow_flag "$HOME" "$package"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$1" == "remove" ]; then
echo "$package unstowed successfully."
echo "$package stowed successfully."
if [ "$1" == "remove" ]; then
echo "Error unstowing $package."
echo "Error stowing $package."

echo "All done!"

Running ./ will stow, and running ./ remove will unstow the listed packages.

That's it! glhf